Model Creation ============== QuarticSDK allows the users to deploy two types of models via the Quartic AI platform. It allows deployment of normal tag-based Machine Learning models, that use the tags as the feature variables, as well as the deployment of wavelength based models for spectral tags that use spectral tag wavelengths as the feature variables. This article explains how to create, wrap, and deploy both kinds of models to the Quartic AI Platform. BaseQuarticModel ---------------- BaseQuarticModel is a base class for all the ML models that can be deployed to the Platform, which use the tags as features for the deployed ML model. Users must extend this class and implement the predict method to make the ML model compatible to deploy in the Quartic AI Platform. BaseQuarticModel supports predctions over longer time ranges with the use of with_window decorator. The available methods are as follows: __init__ ~~~~~~~~ The method has following parameters for initialization: - **name (mandatory)**: Enter a unique name for the model - **description (optional)**: Describe the model. The default value for the field is ``''`` - **log\_level (optional)**: Select one of the log level for the model: ``'CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'NOTSET'``. The default value is ``INFO``. .. raw:: html
Note: While implementing an instance of BaseQuarticModel, users must call super().\ **init**\ with above parameters. .. raw:: html
.save ~~~~~ This is a private method used to save the model to the Quartic AI Platform. .. raw:: html
Note: While implementing an instance of BaseQuarticModel, users must call super().\ **init**\ with above parameters. .. raw:: html
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Warning: Do not override this method. .. raw:: html
- **client (mandatory)**: Refers to an instance of APIClient - **output\_tag\_name (mandatory)**: Refers to a unique name for the prediction results - **feature\_tags (mandatory)**: Refers to a list of tags that are used as features in the model - **target\_tag (mandatory)**: Refers to the tag that has been assigned to an asset the ML model will use this asset as a parent of the current prediction output - **test\_df (mandatory)**: Refers to the test dataframe that validates the model prediction results and ensures compatibility with the Quartic AI Platform - **ml\_node (optional)**: Refers to the Ml Node ID for deploying model to a particular node. .. raw:: html
Note:  1. The Quartic AI Platform selects the best ML node depending on CPU and memory utilization at the time of deployment (by default). To deploy a model to a particular node, specify ml\_node={node\_id}; for example, ml\_node=1 . 2. The save\_method takes a sample of test data frame to validate the model.\_ .. raw:: html
.predict ~~~~~~~~ The method has the following parameters for running the predictions of a ML model: - **input\_df (mandatory)**: Refers to the dataframe on which the model is being evaluated .. raw:: html
Note:  1. Users must override this method to transform and run predictions for the model created. 2. input\_df is expected to have tag IDs as the column names. If model is trained with tag names instead, a transformation step must be added and used in predict method to convert the tag IDs in input dataframe into tag names.\_ .. raw:: html
Example ~~~~~~~ .. code:: python import pandas as pd from quartic_sdk.model import BaseQuarticModel from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split class ExampleModel(BaseQuarticModel): def __init__(self): self.model = RandomForestRegressor() super().__init__("Sample Model", description='This is a simple model to give a quick introduction on creating and deploying models to the Quartic AI Platform.') def train(self, X, y):, y) def predict(self, input_df): predictions = self.model.predict(input_df) return pd.Series(predictions) quartic_model = ExampleModel() quartic_model.train(X_train, y_train) # Training data extracted from data loaded from the Quartic AI Platform, output_tag_name="Prediction Result", feature_tags=[1,2,3], # tags that are used in the X variable or features, for example 1,2,3 target_tag = 3, # tag that specifies a relationship for prediction, for example, 3 test_df = X_train ) .. raw:: html
Note: Any intermediate steps that are used for model training outside the wrapper must be included in wrapper for applying similar set of transformations during prediction. .. raw:: html
@BaseQuarticModel.with\_window ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The with\_window decorator enables predictions over longer time ranges. Users can decorate predict method with the @BaseQuarticModel.with_window, passing the window duration, once the model is deployed the input\_df received by predict will contain the data for specified duration. The decorator has the following parameters: - **duration (mandatory)**: Refers to the window duration in seconds for which the data is required .. raw:: html
Example ~~~~~~~ .. code:: python import pandas as pd from quartic_sdk.model import BaseQuarticModel from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split class ExampleModel(BaseQuarticModel): def __init__(self): self.model = RandomForestRegressor() super().__init__("Sample Model", description='This is a simple model to give a quick introduction on creating and deploying models to the Quartic AI Platform.') def train(self, X, y):, y) @BaseQuarticModel.with_window(duration=1800) def predict(self, input_df): prediction = self.model.predict(input_df) return prediction quartic_model = ExampleModel() quartic_model.train(X_train, y_train) # Training data extracted from data loaded from the Quartic AI Platform, output_tag_name="Prediction Result", feature_tags=[1,2,3], # tags that are used in the X variable or features, for example 1,2,3 target_tag = 3, # tag that specifies a relationship for prediction, for example, 3 test_df = X_train ) .. raw:: html
Note: 1. The predict function from model with window should return only one prediction at a time, considering that the input_df will only contain data for one datapoint with its respective previous data points for the specified duration. The predict function can return none, in case of missing previous data for a datapoint. 2. The window duration will be validated on the basis of the available resources in the provided ML_Node or best ML_Node and provided test_df. 3. Users are expected to pass data for one datapoint along with its respective previous data in input_df while experimenting, once the model is deployed to the Quartic AI Platform, the previous data will be fetched automatically for the streaming datapoints. 4. Batch predictions can be made using 'moving_window_predict' method, more details are provided below. .. raw:: html
moving\_window\_predict ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The moving\_window\_predict functions enables predictions in batches for with window models. Users can pass input\_df which has datapoints for which the batch predictions to be made along with previous\_df which contains previous data for the window specified. The method has the following parameters: - **input\_df (mandatory)**: Refers to input dataframe which contains batch of datapoints for which the predictions are to be made. - **previous\_df (mandatory)**: Refers to prevous dataframe which contains the previous data for the duration specified with_window decorator. .. raw:: html
Example ~~~~~~~ .. code:: python import pandas as pd from quartic_sdk.model import BaseQuarticModel from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split class ExampleModel(BaseQuarticModel): def __init__(self): self.model = RandomForestRegressor() super().__init__("Sample Model", description='This is a simple model to give a quick introduction on creating and deploying models to the Quartic AI Platform.') def train(self, X, y):, y) @BaseQuarticModel.with_window(duration=5) def predict(self, input_df): prediction = self.model.predict(input_df) return prediction quartic_model = ExampleModel() quartic_model.train(X_train, y_train) # Training data extracted from data loaded from the Quartic AI Platform previous_df = pd.DataFrame(np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]]), columns=['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'], index = [1586140271000 ,1586140271000, 1586140272000, 1586140273000, 1586140274000]) input_df = pd.DataFrame(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]), columns=['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'], index = [1586140275000, 1586140276000, 1586140277000]) quartic_model.predict(input_df) quartic_model.moving_window_predict(input_df, previous_df) .. raw:: html
Note: 1. predict function must be called before calling moving_window_predict. 2. moving_window_predict returns pandas series along with its respective timestamps from input_df. .. raw:: html
BaseSpectralModel ---------------- BaseSpectralModel is a base class for all the ML models that can be deployed to the Platform, which use the spectral tag wavelengths as features for the deployed ML model. Users must extend this class and implement the predict method to make the ML model compatible to deploy in the Quartic AI Platform. The available methods are as follows: __init__ ~~~~~~~~ The method has following parameters for initialization: - **name (mandatory)**: Enter a unique name for the model - **description (optional)**: Describe the model. The default value for the field is ``''`` - **log\_level (optional)**: Select one of the log level for the model: ``'CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'NOTSET'``. The default value is ``INFO``. .. raw:: html
Note: While implementing an instance of BaseSpectralModel, users must call super().\ **init**\ with above parameters. .. raw:: html
.save ~~~~~ This is a private method used to save the model to the Quartic AI Platform. .. raw:: html
Note: While implementing an instance of BaseSpectralModel, users must call super().\ **init**\ with above parameters. .. raw:: html
.. raw:: html
Warning: Do not override this method. .. raw:: html
- **client (mandatory)**: Refers to an instance of APIClient - **output\_tag\_name (mandatory)**: Refers to a unique name for the prediction results - **feature\_wavelengths (mandatory)**: Refers to a list of spectral tag wavelengths that are as features in the model - **spectral\_tag (mandatory)**: Refers to the spectral tag whose wavelengths are used for deploying the model - **target\_tag (mandatory)**: Refers to the tag that has been assigned to an asset the ML model will use this asset as a parent of the current prediction output - **test\_df (mandatory)**: Refers to the test dataframe that validates the model prediction results and ensures compatibility with the Quartic AI Platform - **ml\_node (optional)**: Refers to the Ml Node ID for deploying model to a particular node. .. raw:: html
Note:  1. The Quartic AI Platform selects the best ML node depending on CPU and memory utilization at the time of deployment (by default). To deploy a model to a particular node, specify ml\_node={node\_id}; for example, ml\_node=1 . 2. The save\_method takes a sample of test data frame to validate the model.\_ .. raw:: html
.predict ~~~~~~~~ The method has the following parameters for running the predictions of a ML model: - **input\_df (mandatory)**: Refers to the dataframe on which the model is being evaluated .. raw:: html
Note:  1. Users must override this method to transform and run predictions for the model created. 2. input\_df is expected to have tag IDs as the column names. If model is trained with tag names instead, a transformation step must be added and used in predict method to convert the tag IDs in input dataframe into tag names.\_ .. raw:: html
Example ~~~~~~~ .. code:: python import pandas as pd from quartic_sdk.model import BaseSpectralModel from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split class ExampleModel(BaseSpectralModel): def __init__(self): self.model = RandomForestRegressor() super().__init__("Sample Model", description='This is a simple model to give a quick introduction on creating and deploying models to the Quartic AI Platform.') def train(self, X, y):, y) def predict(self, input_df): predictions = self.model.predict(input_df) return pd.Series(predictions) quartic_model = ExampleModel() quartic_model.train(X_train, y_train) # Training data extracted from data loaded from the Quartic AI Platform, output_tag_name="Prediction Result", feature_tags=[1,2,3], # tags that are used in the X variable or features, for example 1,2,3 target_tag = 3, # tag that specifies a relationship for prediction, for example, 3 test_df = X_train ) .. raw:: html
Note: Any intermediate steps that are used for model training outside the wrapper must be included in wrapper for applying similar set of transformations during prediction. .. raw:: html