:mod:`quartic_sdk.utilities.configuration` ========================================== .. py:module:: quartic_sdk.utilities.configuration .. autoapi-nested-parse:: The given class implements the configuration details that need to be saved with the APIClient to make the API calls Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quartic_sdk.utilities.configuration.Configuration .. class:: Configuration(host, username=None, password=None, oauth_token=None, cert_path=None, verify_ssl=True, gql_host=None) .. method:: get_basic_auth_token(self) Get HTTP basic authentication header (string). :return: The token for basic HTTP authentication. .. method:: get_configuration(cls, host, username=None, password=None, oauth_token=None, cert_path=None, verify_ssl=True, gql_host=None) :classmethod: The method gets all the required params and returns the configuration details for making the API calls :param host: name of the host :param username: username of the user :param password: password of the user :param oauth_token: oauth token for authenticating requests :param cert_path: path of certificate :param verify_ssl: boolean value :param gql_host: graphql server url :return: Configuration object