:mod:`quartic_sdk.graphql_client` ================================= .. py:module:: quartic_sdk.graphql_client Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quartic_sdk.graphql_client.GraphqlClient .. data:: SCHEMA_REGEX .. class:: GraphqlClient(url: str, username: str = None, password: str = None, token: str = None, timeout: Optional[Union[(aiohttp.ClientTimeout, float)]] = None, verify_ssl: bool = True) Execute Query. .. method:: version() :staticmethod: Return the SDK version .. method:: _get_client(self) -> aiohttp.ClientSession :async: Get aiohttp client session object. .. method:: _get_graphql_url(self) -> str Generates the graphql endpoint. .. method:: __execute__query(self, query: str, variables: dict = None) :async: Execute query .. method:: execute_query(self, query: str, variables: dict = None) Execute query with query param. :param query: Query that needs to be executed :param variables: Dictionary of variables that are used inside the query. .. method:: execute_async_query(self, query: str, variables: dict = None) :async: Execute query asynchronously. :param query: Query that needs to be executed :param variables: Dictionary of variables that are used inside the query. :return: .. method:: get_graphql_client_from_apihelper(api_helper: quartic_sdk.api.api_helper.APIHelper) :staticmethod: Returns an instance of GraphqlClient from provided api_helper instance. :param api_helper: APIHelper instace whose configurations will be used to initialte GraphqlClient :return: new GraphqlCleint instance initiated with existing APIHelper configuration.