:mod:`quartic_sdk.core.iterators.historical_tag_data_iterator` ============================================================== .. py:module:: quartic_sdk.core.iterators.historical_tag_data_iterator Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quartic_sdk.core.iterators.historical_tag_data_iterator.HistoricalTagDataIterator .. class:: HistoricalTagDataIterator(tags, edge_connector_id, start_time, stop_time, api_helper, batch_size=Constants.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE, max_records=None, return_type=Constants.RETURN_JSON) Thee given class is the iterator class for OPCUA data connector .. method:: create_post_data(self) The method creates the post data for the tag data call .. method:: __iter__(self) Return the opcua data iterator with the data fetch state set at 0 .. method:: __rearrange_json_to_create_data_frame(self, data_frame_json) The method rearranges the output of the API json data into dataframe json to return dataframee eventually .. method:: __next__(self) Get the next object in the iteration. Note that the return object is inclusive of time ranges