:mod:`quartic_sdk.core.entity_helpers.entity_factory` ===================================================== .. py:module:: quartic_sdk.core.entity_helpers.entity_factory Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quartic_sdk.core.entity_helpers.entity_factory.EntityFactory .. class:: EntityFactory The factory is used to create the respective entities depending upon the requirements .. method:: follow_single_strategy(cls, class_type, body, api_helper) :classmethod: The given method creates a new instance of the object as required based upon the class_type :param class_type: Type of the class to be created :param body: Body through which the entity is to be created :param api_helper: APIHelper instance .. method:: follow_list_strategy(cls, class_type, body, api_helper) :classmethod: The given method creates a new instance of BaseEntityList with the objects as required based upon the class_type :param class_type: Type of the class to be created :param body: Body through which the entity is to be created :param api_helper: APIHelper instance