:mod:`quartic_sdk.core.entities.base` ===================================== .. py:module:: quartic_sdk.core.entities.base .. autoapi-nested-parse:: The given file contains the class to refer to the base class for entity creation Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quartic_sdk.core.entities.base.Base .. class:: Base(body_json, api_helper) The base class which is used for creating all the required instances of specific types .. method:: get(self, name) Return the value of the given `name` attribute :param name: (string) The attribute name to be returned :return: The returned attribute value .. method:: __str__(self) Return the stringifed version of the representation .. method:: __eq__(self, other) Override equals to check equality of all attributes :param other: The other object, to which we are comparing :return: (bool) Whether they are equal