:mod:`quartic_sdk.api.api_helper` ================================= .. py:module:: quartic_sdk.api.api_helper Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quartic_sdk.api.api_helper.APIHelper .. class:: APIHelper(host, username=None, password=None, oauth_token=None, cert_path=None, verify_ssl=None, gql_host=None) The class is the helper class which will be used for making the API calls .. method:: can_verify_ssl_certificate(self) This method returns the value of verify that can be boolean or certificate path for ssl cerification .. method:: call_api(self, url, method_type, path_params=[], query_params={}, body={}) Call the API at the given url :param: url: :param: method_type: :param: path_params: :param: query_params: :param: body: .. method:: _get_oauth_headers(self) Get OAuth headers .. method:: __http_get_api(self, url, path_params=[], query_params={}, body={}) The method makes a GET call via the requests module :param: url: :param: path_params: :param: query_params: :param: body: .. method:: __http_post_api(self, url, path_params=[], query_params={}, body={}) The method makes a POST call via the requests module :param: url: :param: path_params: :param: query_params: :param: body: .. method:: __http_patch_api(self, url, path_params=[], query_params={}, body={}) :abstractmethod: The method makes a PATCH call via the requests module :param: url: :param: path_params: :param: query_params: :param: body: .. method:: __http_put_api(self, url, path_params=[], query_params={}, body={}) :abstractmethod: The method makes a PUT call via the requests module :param: url: :param: path_params: :param: query_params: :param: body: .. method:: __http_delete_api(self, url, path_params=[], query_params={}, body={}) :abstractmethod: The method makes a DELETE call via the requests module :param: url: :param: path_params: :param: query_params: :param: body: